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Updated 24-11-2019
The Danish-Turkish fusion jazz musician and composer Atilla Engin has quietly died in his sleep after a long illness the 2nd November, he was 73 years old.
Atilla Engin began his musical career in Istanbul, Turkey, where he performed and recorded. In 1974 he moved to Copenhagen, Denmark. Here he formed several orchestras. One of these was “Matao”, with which he released his first Danish album "Turkish Delight" in 1979. Matao played at the famous Danish music-festival Roskilde Festival in 1979. One of the other groups he formed was in his own name “Atilla Engin Group” that released five albums...
Den dansk-tyrkiske fusionsjazz-musiker og komponist, Atilla Engin, er stille sovet ind den 2. november efter længere tids sygdom, han blev 73 år.
Atilla Engin begyndte sin musikalske karriere i Istanbul, hvor han optrådte og indspillede plader. I 1974 flyttede han til København. Her dannede han adskillige orkestre. Et af disse var Matao, som han i 1979 udgav sit første danske album med, "Turkish Delight". Matao spillede på Roskilde Festival i 1979. En af de øvrige grupper han dannede var i eget navn, Atilla Engin Group, som udgav fem albums...
Per Meistrup was exposed to music early on through his parents. As the tidal wave of beat music flooded the world, Meistrup exchanged his piano with a guitar. That led to gigs backing fabled Danish singer Peter Belli early on. Soon after Meistrup decided to make a career change and went into aviation while leaving music behind, at least for a while....
Othersounds.com, 06-05-2015
Settlement in the case PMP Group Nordic and Atilla Engin vs. Djuma Soundsystem...
Forlig i sagen PMP Group Nordic ApS og Atilla Engin mod Djuma Soundsystem...
Er samplebaseret musik gammel vin på nye flasker?
Er det at springe over hvor gærdet er lavest, hvis en musiker bruger dele af andres musik i et nyt nummer? Efter danmarks største sag om rettighedskrænkelse i forbindelse med samplebaseret musik, kan man lige tænke en ekstra gang over det. Spørgsmålet kan så nu være hvordan det kommer til at påvirke det kreative vækstlag i musikmiljøet, der udemærket godt ved, hvor let det er at komme i nærheden af den store lyd man kan høre på dyre produktioner....
Musikvidenskabet, Århus Universitet
Pressemeddelelse om Les Djinns-sagen
Ophavsretssagen om Djuma Soundsystems ”Les Djinns”...
Fakta vedr. ophavsretssagen om LES DJINNS
- den første danske retssag om krænkelse af musik-ophavsret ved brug af sample
I 1985 udgiver Per Meistrup Productions Co. på label "Danish Music Production" et album indspillet af den den dansk-tyrkiske fusionsgruppe "Atilla Engin Group" med titlen "Marmaris Love". I 2003 sampler gruppen "Djuma Soundsystem" temaet fra TURKISH SHOWBIZ i form af guitarintroen, som udgør hele Atilla Engins komposition...
31. august, 2011
Facts about the LES DJINNS Court Case
Different versions of the story about the TURKISH SHOWBIZ vs. LES DJINNS case have been spread around the Internet in many languages. However, here is the explanation based on the facts from the Court of Copenhagen and the documents of the Case...
20th November, 2011
Per Meistrup Productions Co.
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